Our Photography Classes are Ready!
You asked for it, we delivered: since April of this year, Studio Aoustin is now proposing photography classes.
Course material will evolve over time. At the moment, we propose an intense — beginner level — crash-course that will bring you from full auto to full manual in 9 hours, spread over three sessions mixing theory, practice and review.
They Took our Photography Classes
A big thank you to Kate from Five Little Stars for her thorough review. Read it here.
The first lesson was theory. I have to confess, I was initially just really keen to get outside with my camera and start taking some guided photographs[…]… it was absolutely worth it and Jérôme’s approach in this regard is spot on. […] My next lesson[…], we headed outside and spent a couple of hours walking around Carrières-sur-Seine with our cameras. […] I even took a few photographs at one point in full “Manual” mode. This was great! […] Jérôme’s teaching provided me with the perfect beginners introduction, and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend him.
Thank you for another awesome lesson! I learned so much today and am really excited about practicing now – I think it’s finally starting to come together for me!
Je sollicite les compétences de Jérôme pour mon fils aîné qui se prédestine à ce métier. Je vous le recommande chaudement. C’est avec beaucoup de pédagogie et de bienveillance que Jérôme l’accompagne dans ses premières photos…

Individual Course

Our First Group!
I’m interested! How does it work?
We are located in the heart of the old village of Carrières-sur-Seine — just one stop away from the Saint-Lazare train station, which makes for a very picturesque scenery and lots of photographic opportunities. We welcome you at our place where we teach you the theory and review the photographs. When time comes to practice what was learnt, we only have to step out and we’re in the nearby park, along the Seine, in the cobble stone streets. If you prefer, we can also come to a place of your choice*.
The whole course is 450€ for a group of up to 3 people, which translates into:
One-on-one : 450€
Group of 2 : 225€ per person
Group of 3 : 150€ per person
For any larger group, there’s a flat fee of 135€ per person.
* May incur transportation costs
Reserve your course now!